GridCal is a top tier power systems planning and simulation software. As such it has all the static analysis studies that you can think of, plus linear and non-linear optimization functions. Some of these functions are well known, while others you may have never heard of as they are a product of cutting-edge research.

GridCal started in 2015 with a clear objective: create a solid programming library and a user-friendly interface. This straightforward approach sparked many innovations — some driven by the necessity for commercial use, and others fueled by curiosity and research.
Whether you're a pro needing free tools, a researcher wanting a real-world tested platform, a teacher sharing commercial-grade software insights, or a student diving into practical algorithms, GridCal's got your back. It's a high quality product made for all of us now and for the future generations.
>1 Million
Key functionalities
Top-notch features stemming from research and industry
Investment Optimization
Magically optimize your investment decisions by picking the best techno-economic configurations. Let artificial intelligence do the work for you
Contingency Analysis
Fast and reliable contingency analysis, considering contingency groups and high performance requirements by TSOs
Optimal Power Flow
Schedule generation, adjust converter and transformer setpoints in a matter of milliseconds through our custom interior point solver
User-Friendly Interface
Inspect your grid's schematic, comfortably modify the database, run simulations and visually make sense of the results
Short-Circuit Analysis
Leverage our European patents to obtain currents in steady-state conditions for systems with a high penetration of power converters
AC/DC Power Flow
Seamlessly solve interconnected AC and DC grids. Quadratic convergence through a unique Newton-Raphson unified formulation
Voltage stability analysis
One-shot stability analysis through Sigma approximants to determine the strength of the system in each node
Imports and exports
Import formats PSSe .raw/rawx, epc, dgs, matpower, pypsa, json, cim, cgmes and export gridcal .xlsx/.gridcal/.json, cgmes, psse .raw/.rawx
All of these are industry tested algorithms, some of which surpass most commercially available software. The aim is to be a drop-in replacement for the expensive and less usable commercial software, so that you can work, research and learn with it.
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Completely open-source and out of charge